About Barclay Viewforth Church.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.” Matthew 28:19.
The ‘Great Commission’ in Matthew’s gospel calls us to go and make disciples of all nations. We, at Barclay Viewforth Church, are ordinary people, living ordinary lives, but with the power and grace of a loving God to help us we are striving to act on this commission. It’s an exciting journey and we are learning as we go.
We invite YOU to share this journey with us. Join us on a Sunday for worship and stay for a chat afterwards or contact us and let us see how we can help you.
What we believe.
This congregation exists to introduce people to Jesus. That may seem an odd thing if you don’t ‘do’ church or know much about the Christian faith. After all, if Jesus even existed it was 2000 years ago in Israel – and he was crucified! He was put in a tomb that was sealed with a large stone and that was that.
Actually Christians don’t believe that was the end of Jesus. We believe that he was actually God, born as a human child, and that he rose from death after three days. All of that may seem a bit far fetched, but there is evidence that it’s true. Being a Christian is a choice you make, but it’s not a leap in the dark. There are good reasons to believe. We believe that Jesus is still alive and wants us to get to know him – the very thing we were created for.
Jesus said that he came to give us life as full as it could be. That life is first found in proper connection to God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our desire is to provide a God-honouring atmosphere for that relationship to develop through bible teaching, study, prayer and service to others.
Each of us needs connection with other people - in church we often use the analogy of a family because the bible calls fellow believers brothers and sisters. God has brought each and every one of us into community with one another, and equipped us for a specific function within that community. We want to see everyone discover their part and enable them to live it out.
Being a Christian makes a difference to how we live our lives – at least, it should. We know we don’t always get it right but we do our best to live for Jesus and we’d love you to join that journey with us.
Care and Support.
We aim to follow Jesus’ example of loving God and our neighbours. Find out more about our involvement in the community in our Care and Support section.
Prayer is a way to communicate with God, it helps us walk with Him, to say thank you, talk about our problems and ask for help.
If you want, we can pray with you or for you and you can join us to pray for others. Find out more on our Care & Support page.
Ministry Team
Rev. Dr. David Clarkson
Rae Fujimori
Youth Worker.
Elaine Hogan
Pastoral Associate.
Julie Nicholson
Rachel Zylstra
Worship Leader.
Rev. Fiona Kennedy
Ordained Local Minister.
Barclay Viewforth, Craiglockhart, Polwarth, St Michael’s.
Kirk Session.
We’re part of the Church of Scotland, which is Presbyterian in the way it is run. This means responsibility for the leadership of the church is with the elders – the men and women who make up the Kirk Session.
They are responsible for the care, encouragement and spiritual guidance of the members of the church and every member has their own elder. The Minister chairs the Kirk Session. With the development of Mission and Ministries the church elders will also be responsible for overseeing this ongoing work.
There are also groups which deal with the day to day running of the church (finance, the fabric of the building, and the management of the Halls), made up of members.
Our Session Clerk is John Ritchie.
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