More than a rainbow.


Linda Garside shares some reflections from her Pentland walks.

Noah. A story that has been at the forefront of my mind at various points over the last 6 months. The visual reminder of so many rainbows on display in windows, pavement chalk art, even on the railings outside of church seemed to act as a prompt for this well known story. We have even had the more recent church services using Noah’s story, and I’m left wondering what else is God telling me at this point in time through this well known passage?

At the moment I feel I can relate best to the post storm pre-docking part of the story, the storm has calmed yet the ark is still floating around, the safety and comfort of dry land is nowhere to be seen, there is no timeframe for the “next stage” it’s a sense of limbo. I certainly feel like that is the case currently in my day to day life. I’m able to see people and do more than I could back in April yet at the same time everyday life is still restricted; no hugs for friends, meeting up with limited numbers of people, keeping distance, no singing, no impromptu gatherings, all result in a reluctance to plan too much incase the regulations change.

Even once the ark had grounded there was still a long period of waiting to be endured. How did Noah and his family feel as they released the Raven and then the Dove the first time, did those feeling change when they came back to the ark? The next time they released the Dove was it with a sense of anticipation and excitement of maybe this time there will be a sign that the water levels are receding and they would be able to plan for leaving the ark or was it with a resigned sense of what’s the point it’s all just so wet underfoot still?

Maybe I’m left questioning what is my attitude at the moment, do I have an underlying sense of it will all get better, or am I feeling like the water level is never going to receded and we are stuck in this limbo state permanently.  

Actually what is important is I have that reoccurring visual reminder of God’s covenant with Noah which in turn prompts me to remember that when God promises us something, he means it. Whether I feel like I’m in the middle of a storm or stranded on a mountain top, or stood on dry land enjoying his wonderful creation I can hang onto this verse from Deuteronomy 31:8. ‘The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged’. Many of us might be feeling isolated from friends and family still, yet we are not completely alone, God is still walking with us and he has everything under control.


Pentecost Explained.


O for a thousand tongues.