The Net.
The NET Missional community originated as a group of friends looking to study the bible and learn more about Christ. This has blossomed into a thriving and diverse group within the church where there are now lots of opportunities to become involved.
We range in age from 20s – 50s. Some of us have children and some of us don’t. Some of us regularly attend Barclay Viewforth on Sundays, others may only attend once a year if that. We would like to welcome anyone at the church who is looking for fellowship and discipleship to come and join us. At different times we run an evening bible study, a daytime book group for those with children, virtual prayer groups, away days, an annual weekend away, walks, a BBQ at the Bruntsfield Links, and a wonderful Christmas lunch fit for a king. Most of these events are family friendly. If you would like more information, please contact us using the email form below.